Peter Morris
(United Kingdom)
I think this initiative is timely, for at least three reasons.
One: It is clear and becoming even clearer that society is facing many challenges that require a global - and I mean 'global' - response. Climate change is the obvious example but it is not the only one - the limits of antibiotics, terrorism, AI/robotics, nuclear waste, etc. There has been a huge amount written and said about this but sadly not by project management, even though over 25% of GDP is delivered via projects.
Two: What we take the terms 'project management, 'program management', and so on to encompass is not yet clear. Project Management is still seen too often to be limited to 'on time, in budget, in scope' delivery. But who sets these goals? What is the proper value of p.m. in shaping the Front End? The whole Program Management is, I believe, naively framed. Sloppy thinking causes difficulties.
Three: Drawing on the energies of the Indian sub-continent as well as others (most obviously China) would leverage a huge amount of knowledge and enthusiasm. It would also help Asia to become more effective in deploying initiatives.
Gilles Caupin
This appears to me as a timely initiative. We, from a worldwide perspective, definitively have to focus on change needed in our way of life to care for climate evolution and for changes deriving from the new technologies. I fully support your initiative.
David L Pells
(United States)
Congratulations! This is a great and important initiative that the world needs. The project management profession needs a higher purpose. I hope this new initiative can help pave ways for PM to help solve global problems and create a more peaceful and healthier world.
Md. Abdullah Al Mamoon
I do highly appreciate your initiative and continuous persuasion in the formation and development of World Project Management Forum which I personally believe is an excellent endeavour - a global platform for all project professionals across the world.
Robert Youker
(United States)
I think the focus of the new organization should be to use good procedures of project analysis, project development, project feasibility studies, and project preparation and good management of that whole several year process before project approval. This is not project management of the the project itself. This new area is where basic PM has failed. Project after project is poorly planned and over budget and behind schedule due to poor planning.
Veikko Valila
I find your initiative excellent and timely. I'm happy to support it. I feel that your original emphasis on project execution after sound “Front-End” consideration is the right approach. In today's world, project delivery is everything. We need results. In addition, there is an urgent global need to improve the front end decision making.
Yvonne Butler
Congratulations on this initiative! I have long shared this view and have worked on many projects where focusing up front has made enormous difference. I would love to support the world project management forum and would be delighted to present a paper if you think it would be appropriate.
Bill Young
I really like the idea because we do need to lift PM to a much broader discussion. There is such rapid global change going on currently; political, infrastructure, Smart Cities, Silk Road, etc. We need to reshape the whole discussion not only for Government but the private sector likewise.
David Hillson
(United Kingdom)
I’ve been watching the developing debate over WPMF, and it seems that you’ve tapped into a real need that is enthusing some of our senior colleagues. I support the idea and I’ll contribute where I can. I wish you success with this important new initiative, and well done for taking the lead.
Thomas Walenta
I am happy to accept this as a private person, good initiative, Adesh.
Erling Hjallen
I remember we met on the Concept Symposium, which I agree is a valuable meeting in order to be better in Project Management. I also think that we here in Norway are in forefront in the area of front end management. I have read your attached Charter which I think is good and interesting.
Drew Davison:
Congratulations on the issuance of the WPMF charter. It is amazing how one simple page can offer such breadth and depth and have the potential for significant world-wide impact. Good for you! I wholeheartedly agree with your emphasis on the front end visualization as one of the key project success factors.
Tomasz Wrzesiewski
Thank you so much. I consider your idea exceptional and intriguing.
Andy Kaufman
(United States)
I am very excited about your vision, Adesh! Congratulations! I wish you much-continued success with this endeavour.
Sergey Bushuyev
Thank you. I appreciate your proposal, and agree to contribute.
Pevvila (Villar Diaz, Victor)
I am so happy to receive your email and WPMF Charter. This is an excellent initiative to improve the macro level of project visualisation.
Richard Wheeler
(United States)
Congratulations on starting up the WPMF.