I-PMTEA 2023

In 2023 the International Project Management Team Excellence Award (I-PMTEA) competition was held on 16-17 November 2023 in New Delhi for teams from India and virtually on 15-16 November 2023 for teams from outside India.


I-PMTEA 2022

In 2022 the International Project Management Team Excellence Award (I-PMTEA) competition was held on 22-23 November 2022 in New Delhi for teams from India and virtually for teams from outside India.

I-PMTEA 2021

In 2018 CEPM launched the world’s first 100% objectively assessed Project Management Team Excellence Award (PMTEA) competition which is based entirely on each team’s performance in two well known real time computer based simulations from the leading Prendo Simulations of UK. 

In 2021 CEPM successfully held the I-PMTEA competition in virtual mode in association with the International Institute of Projects and Program Management (i2P2M) on 16-17 November 2021.

It was a very exciting competition with 22 teams participating from around the world. Teams were from leading companies like NTPC, IOCL, DVC, MCL, Technip, WCL, etc. as well as academia with 2 teams from Northeastern University, USA etc. etc. The award assessment is 100% objective based on each team’s performance in two real time, computer-based simulations requiring taking of numerous decisions.

The IOCL Pipeline team came 1st and won the coveted NTPC sponsored Winning trophy with a team cash award of INR 1 lakh. DVC team was the 1st Runner-up and got the IOCL sponsored trophy with a cash award of Rs. 25,000/-.  NTPC (Hydro-HQ) team was the 2nd Runner-up and it won the CEPM trophy with a team cash award of Rs. 25,000/.

The 2 real time simulation games used in the competition on Managing Stakeholders (Pactio) and Project Leadership (Spatium) are also used in top 20 business schools and leading global companies. 

Team members also gain 4 years of experience in 2 days.

I-PMTEA 2020

In 2020 due to covid restrictions PMTEA was changed from a national competition held in New Delhi to a virtually held International award competition with participation from many countries.

19 teams participated in the competition including teams from NITI Aayog and leading organisations like Siemens Advanta, Siemens India, NTPC, Indian Oil, Western Coalfield, HMEL, Mahanadi Coalfield etc.

Glimpse of some participants of the 2020 IPMTEA virtual competition

I-PMTEA 2019

– Second National Project Management Team Excellence (PMTEA) Award Competition

National Project Management Team Excellence Award (PMTEA)

The National Project Management Team Excellence Award (PMTEA) award which is based on 100% objective assessment was launched by CEPM in 2018 and was very successfully held on 5-7 July 2018. This competition generated wide industry interest.

There were 75 participants in 17 teams from 11 leading companies such as Siemens, Tata Motors, NTPC, IOC, DMICDC, BEML, GAIL, Bharat Dynamics, IGL, NBCC and HFCL.

  • National Trophy for Winning Team + Cash Award of Rs. 1.5 lakhs sponsored by NTPC.
  • National Runner-Up Trophy + Cash Award of Rs. 25,000/- sponsored by IOCL.
  • National Trophy + Cash Award of Rs. 25,000/- to Best Individual Performer by CEPM.

PMTEA is the most objective way of judging the team’s skills. In the two simulations team members need to take hundreds of decisions and can see the cause and effect relationship of each decision made by them.

Winners of PMTEA – 2018

Simulations used in I-PMTEA competition are also popular in leading global organisations and top business schools such as: